Angel Santiago

Angel Santiago Profile picture
Angel Santiago Profile picture


"name": "angel",

"handle": "cypheroxide",

"occupation": "cybersecurity researcher",

"likes": ["automation", "linux", "cheesecake"],


"The only thing more dangerous than a sophisticated cyberattack is the naïve belief that it couldn't happen to you." -Angel Santiago

My Work

CTF Competitor, CySec Research
Fine-Tuned Cybersecurity LLM/AI


  • NoiseFest 2023 - Participated in a variety of cryptography, web exploitation, and reverse engineering challenges. Developed and honed skills in deciphering complex cryptographic puzzles.

  • PicoCTF - Engaged with a wide range of security challenges tailored for all skill levels. Focused on exploitation, cryptography and scripting tasks, enhancing problem-solving capabilities.

  • HackTheBox - Completed numerous real-world simulations, gaining hands-on experience in system penetration.

  • USITCC Capture the Flag - Competed in a national level cybersecurity competition, emphasizing teamwork and strategic thinking. Excelled in network security and forensic analysis tasks, showcasing adaptability and technical expertise.

  • Used open-source Large Language Model (LLM) to integrate into system functions

  • Developed custom and synthetic training data in JSON for fine-tuning to achieve specific response behavior and inference

  • Created and launched a Flask server on a private network, linking the Flask and LLM server APIs to an open source web application

  • Developed agents scripts in Python for automated task completions, utilizing the custom LLM API to leverage task inference

  • Integrated the custom LLM API with various workflows to automate tasks and enhance system security based on custom triggers in system event monitoring solutions.

  • Immersed in Coding Challenges on Replit and internal projects

  • Expertise in Python, NodeJS, VBScript/.net, Bash, Flask, and MongoDB, Machine Learning, AI

  • Managed projects covering multiple security frameworks like NIST CSF, MITRE ATT&CK, OWASP Top 10 & API Security, CIS Controls

  • Contributed to various GitHub projects/repositories, encouraged and participated in open source software development

Cybersecurity Researcher/Mentor at Hope Integrated Systems
Tiny Tim AI Avatar - HopeIntegratedSystem Copywright 2023
Tiny Tim AI Avatar - HopeIntegratedSystem Copywright 2023

AI/LLM Codename: Tiny Tim

Hope Integrated Systems LogoHope Integrated Systems Logo

About Me

I'm a passionate and versatile cybersecurity specialist with proficiency in a diverse range of technologies, including Python, JavaScript, AI/ML algorithms, Vulnerability Management, and Security Frameworks. My journey in technology has been marked by innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence.


One of my significant achievements includes the creation and development of a data-private, self-hosted lab, where I not only implemented cutting-edge features but also prioritized robust security protocols to ensure user data integrity. This experience reflects my dedication to delivering solutions that not only push technological boundaries but also prioritize user trust and data privacy.

Beyond my core projects, I actively contribute to open-source initiatives and share insights, firmly believing in the power of sharing knowledge and collaborative development while fostering the next generation of technology professionals. It's my way of giving back to the tech community and staying engaged with the latest industry trends.

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Tech Stack

JavaScript Logo
JavaScript Logo
Python Logo
Python Logo
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Logo
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Logo
RedHat Linux
Arch Linux Logo
Arch Linux Logo
Arch Linux
MS Azure Logo
MS Azure Logo
AWS Logo
AWS Logo
PostgreSQL Logo
PostgreSQL Logo
MongoDB Logo
MongoDB Logo
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Kali Linux
Kali Linux
Kali Linux
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Cisco Logo
Cisco Logo
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OpenAI Logo
OpenAI Logo

Wanna talk?

Contact me with any questions or just to say a few nice words ... or mean ones. Up to you .... free will and all

©2023 Angel Santiago